Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I recently saw a blog on recycling sweaters, so I thought I'd give it a try. I chose to make a hat and mittens.
Before we go any farther with this blog, those of you who know me already have guessed, but for those of you who are just getting acquainted, I need to confess something. I am not very good at following directions. That's not a character flaw, as far as I'm concerned. I look at it as being willing to step out and take chances,  being a self-starter and looking at the larger picture. My projects don't always turn out looking just like the pattern/directions, but then I'm not a cookie cutter type of person.
Now back to the project of the day.
The directions were for a cashmere sweater. The sweater I chose to carve up was a heavy cotton cable knit. Not necessarily a good idea.
I looked at the directions and the hat seemed a bit small for my large punkin, so I figured I'd add a couple of inches to the measurements. That turned out to be a good idea. It would have been too small.
However, I probably didn't need to add the inch or so extra heighth the pattern, but I wanted to be sure I could pull it down all the way over my ears and neck.
The mittens, on the other hand are strange looking. Warm, I'm sure, but odd. The thumbs, although in the right place, aren't quite the same as my thumbs. While I'm happy to have opposable thumbs, my mittens will need a bit of adjustment the next time around. They look like they were made for a kid with clubbed thumbs. Hmmm, sort of like the ones I'm looking at.... Anyway, I'm glad I tried this project and I'm going to try with another couple of sweaters I picked up at my favorite shop, the Salvation Army Store.
I'll try to link to the directions for the project and get a photo on here as soon as I locate the camera.
Here's the link to the tutorial. This gal does a great job. You are going to want to try this on your own.

One Pearl Button
Cheers from wet southern Indiana.
